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Kentucky Christian University

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Kentucky Christian

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General Aid Programs

General Aid Programs

Federal Student Aid Programs

Federal Pell Grant

这项助学金是为了帮助本科生支付教育费用. This award is an “entitlement” program meaning that, if eligible, students would receive funds up to $6,895 as a full-time student.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

这项助学金是根据经济需要发放的,并颁发给联邦佩尔助学金获得者. The maximum award for the academic year at 网赌最好最大平台 is $1,000.

Federal Work-Study Program (FWS)

该计划为本科生提供潜在就业奖励,作为其援助计划的一部分. Federal Work-Study is awarded based on financial need.

Direct Subsidized Loans

直接补贴贷款是一种低息贷款,提供给有经济需要的学生. Undergraduates may borrow up to $3,500 for the first year, $4,500 for the second year, and $5,500 for each remaining undergraduate year. 本科生的总借款限额为23,000美元. The interest rate is fixed and currently 4.99%. While the borrower is enrolled in school at least half-time, the interest is paid by the federal government. Repayment begins six months after the student graduates, withdraws from school, or drops below half-time status. 根据未偿余额总额,还款可能需要长达25年的时间.

Direct Unsubsidized Loans

直接无补贴贷款目前的利率是4.99% and you can borrow an additional $2,000 per year. However, 学生有责任在入学期间和任何宽限期或延期期间支付利息. This loan is not based on financial need. 学生可以选择将利息延期并应计,也可以选择在入学时支付利息. 学生可同时申请资助及非资助贷款,但贷款上限不得超过$31,000 (no more than $23,000 can be subsidized). 包括无补贴直接贷款在内的独立本科生的总限额将增加到57美元,500. 还款条件与直接资助贷款相同.

Parent PLUS Loan

家长PLUS贷款是为受抚养学生的父母提供的,基于在线信用检查. Under this program, 家长可以借到的钱最多等于某一特定机构的教育费用减去学生获得的任何经济援助. The interest rate is fixed and currently 7.54%. PLUS贷款的还款在最终支付后60天内开始,根据未偿余额总额,还款最长可达25年.

PLUS Application
PLUS Master Promissory Note
PLUS Request Form – First-Time Borrowers
PLUS Request Form – Returning Borrowers

Other Aid Programs

Non-Federal Alternative Loans

一旦你和你的家人考虑了联邦贷款的选择,你可以使用 Great Lakes FASTChoice 即时和准确地比较利率和条款,从多个私人贷款贷款人并排. 这将帮助你做出一个明智的决定,关于最适合你的贷款.

Local National Guard

预备役部队可以提供奖学金、贷款等形式的教育援助. 向你的学校辅导员或预备役军官咨询更多信息.

Veteran Assistance

如果你是合格的退伍军人或合格退伍军人的家属, 联系当地的退伍军人管理局办公室,那里有你或你符合条件的父母的记录. 基金可以用来支付你的一部分教育费用. 教育津贴通常按月直接支付给受助人. For more information on VA benefits, 拨打1-888-GI-BILL-1(1-888-442-4551)与退伍军人福利顾问交谈或访问网站

Workforce And Vocational Rehabilitation

…may be available to qualified students. Contact your local agency for more information. 这些办事处通常列在电话簿的国家办事处部分的康复服务或职业康复服务.

Bureau Of Indian Affairs (BIA)

印第安部落成员的学生可能有资格获得印第安事务局的援助. BIA benefits may vary depending upon the tribe. 你应该联系你的部落总部来确定你是否有资格获得BIA的福利.

Self-Help (Student/Parent)

You should begin planning early for college attendance. 家庭资源是保证你大学教育的最好方式. 充分和及时的财务规划有助于你的大学教育成为现实. Your family might use a combination of savings bonds, education IRAs, personal savings, home equity loans, and current income to contribute toward college expenses. 你的理财规划师可以就长期储蓄和投资机会提供建议. 各州也在介入,为家庭提前开始为大学储蓄提供手段.

As of 1998, nearly all states offer college savings plans. 大学储蓄计划网络成立于1991年,是国家国宝协会的一个附属机构. 这个由各州组成的联盟共同努力,寻找鼓励家庭提前为大学储蓄的方法. 有关大学储蓄计划网络或国家财务主管协会的更多信息, write to P.O. 11910信箱,列克星敦,肯塔基州40578-1910或致电(606)244-8175或访问 一旦其他援助来源耗尽或达到年度限额,其他贷款项目提供资金以支付教育费用. 这些基于信用的贷款可能需要共同签署,通常比Stafford或PLUS贷款的利率更高. 借款要谨慎,并确保在使用替代贷款资金之前已经探索了所有其他援助来源.

State Aid Programs

Kentucky Tuition Grants (KTG)


College Access Program (CAP)

CAP助学金计划为肯塔基州至少注册六(6)个学时的经济困难学生提供每学期221美元的资助. 全日制学生每学期的最高奖励为2650美元.

Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarships (KEES)

Earn money for college by making the grade in high school! 高中时平均成绩达到C+或更高,进入合格的课程后开始为大学存钱. The maximum award per year is $2,500 (based on a 4.0 GPA, four-year average, and 28 ACT).

Prepared to Go Make Disciples

“Thank you Dr. Brickey for pouring so much time, love, 在我的教育中付出努力,确保我成为一名护士,为基督的门徒做好准备. 我将永远感激您和扬西护理学院.”

Iphania Auguste, Class of 2022

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